By the decision of the World Federation of Direct Selling Associations, the Lithuanian Direct Selling Association was granted a Gold Member status in 2023.
TIENS became a member of LDSA
The Board of Lithuanian Direct Selling Association (LDSA) approved TIENS branch in Lithuania (JSC “Korporacija Tjanši”, as a full member of the Association.
Socio-economic direct sellers’ survey in Europe
Direct selling is constantly evolving and growing in the European retail economy. Undoubtedly, there have been a number of changes in the activities of both direct selling companies and their salespeople over the past few years. Therefore, in order to understand today’s direct selling, the European Direct Selling Association-Seldia, together with the independent market research agency Ipsos, is starting a survey of direct sellers in twelve European countries, including Lithuania.
The direct selling industry maintained a record growth
Lietuvos tiesioginės prekybos asociacijos (LTPA) narių mažmeniniai pardavimai praėjusiais metais išaugo rekordiniais 12,8 proc. iki 47,7 mln. eurų be PVM. Tuo tarpu asmenų, bendradarbiaujančių su tiesioginės prekybos įmonėmis, skaičius padidėjo daugiau nei 4 proc. ir siekė beveik 48 tūkstančius Lietuvos gyventojų. The retail sales of members of the Lithuanian Direct Selling Association (LTPA) increased by a record 12.8 percent last year,- up to 47.7 million EUR without VAT. Meanwhile, the number of persons cooperating with direct selling companies increased by more than 4 percent and reached almost 48 thousand persons. Read more
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