“Cosmetics or other products demonstration at home parties is probably the most well-known and most traditional direct selling feature with which the entire market has previously been associated. According to the survey, this sales method is still one of the most used, but it is also increasingly popular to organize such sales parties virtually, on Facebook, Skype or other platforms where customers participate in product presentations from home”,- comments Director of Lithuanian Direct Selling Association and Secretary General of the Baltic States Gintautas Zaleckas.
“The survey also revealed that Lithuania is one of the leading countries in Europe in this respect, because, according to the efficient use of social networks, only the United Kingdom and the Netherlands outperform us”,- points out G.Zaleckas.
According to the survey, direct sellers in Lithuania value live communication the most,- 8 out of 10 salespeople identify personal face-to-face meetings as effective sales channels. 6 out of 10 respondents also claim to make efficient phone calls. However the traditional direct sales channels are catching the new ones,- 59 percent of surveyed sellers say they are effectively exploiting social networks and 45 percent say that their personal blog or websites helped is the most effective way to sell products.
G.Zaleckas emphasizes that even sales are moving to social media and virtual platforms, the personal contact will still remain one of the most important advantages of direct selling in the future. “In recent years, direct selling companies have changed their strategies, taking into account the changing lifestyle of the consumer and the move to the virtual space. Companies offer both their sellers and customers virtual product demonstration and order platforms, apps. However, the technology is adapted to the individual, without moving everything to the impersonal online sales, but still maintaining the importance of a personal consultant and giving to seller virtual tools to promote sales and to keep regular contact with the customer.”
Research conducted on February-April, 2018, by the global market research agency Ipsos . During the survey, more than 30,000 independent sellers-consultants of direct selling companies were interviewed in 11 European countries, including 1742 in Lithuania.